Sunday, May 20, 2012

118-Solution problem mate in two

Solution: 1. Rf3-f6! threat 2. Rf6-c6#
 1. ... Re8-c8, Bg8-e6 2. Sg6xe5#
 1. ... Re8-e6, Bg8-d5 2. Bh1(x)d5#

 Grimshaw is the name of this theme in which two pieces of the same colour (usually a rook and a bishop) interfere with each others line of action, by playing in turn to a square where the two lines intersect.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

117-Problem Solution

Solution: 1. Kd1-c2! waiting
 1. ... Kd5-c4 2. Bg6-f7#
 1. ... Kd5-c6 2. Bg6-e4#
 1. ... Kd5-e6 2. Se2-f4#
 In this problem Black king has three flying squares.