Tuesday, December 24, 2013

181-White mates in two SOLUTION

Solution: 1. Bh3-d7! threat 2. Sa5-c6, Ba3-d6#
 1. ... Rd8-c8, Be8xd7 2. Ba3-d6#
 1. ... Rd8xd7 2. Sa5-c6#

Monday, December 23, 2013

180-Mate in two SOLUTION.

Solution: 1. Qh4-e7! threat 2. Rc6-c5, Bh3-e6, Sa2-b4 [A] #
 1. ... Re8xe7 [a]  2. Sa2-b4 [A] #
 1. ... Bf8xe7 2. Bh3-e6#

Saturday, December 21, 2013

179-Mate in 3 SOLUTION.

Solution: 1. Se8! [2. Sxc7, Sf6#]
 1. ... Rc4+ 2. Rxc4 [3. Sxc7, Sf6#]
    2. ... Se6, Sa8 3. Sf6#
    2. ... f5, Sd7 3. Sxc7#

Sunday, December 8, 2013

178-White mates in two SOLUTION

Solution: 1. Ba3-b4! waiting
 1. ... Sg5 ad lib 2. Sg1(x)f3#
 1. ... Ba4 ad lib 2. Sa1(x)b3#
 1. ... Ba4xc2 2. Sa1xc2#

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

177-Mate in two SOLUTION.

Solution: 1. Bh2! a waiting move.
 1. ... Sd8/h8/d6+/h6/e5/g5 2. R(x)d6#
 1. ... Sf4/h4/e3/e1 2. S(x)f4#

Friday, November 15, 2013

176-Mate in two SOLUTION

Solution: 1. c4! waiting
 1... Bf7/d7/c6 2. S(x)f7#
 1... Sb8/c7/xb4 2. c5#
 1... Sc5 2. bxc5#
 1... bxc4 2. Sxc4#

Monday, October 28, 2013

175-Mate in two SOLUTION.

Solution: 1. Bg6! waiting
 1... Rb8/a8/d8/e8/f8/g8/h8 2. Sxc7#
 1... Se8 [a] /g8 [a] /d7 [a] /h7 [a] /e4/g4 [b]  2. B(x)e4 [A] #
 1... a4 2. Sb4#
 1... Se3/b2/f2 2. S(x)e3#

Sunday, October 27, 2013

174-White mates in two SOLUTION.

Solution: 1. Be2! waiting
 1... Bg6+/g8 2. S(x)g6#
 1... fxe5 2. Bg5#
 1... c3 2. Sd3#
 1... Se3/g3+/d2/h2 2. B(x)g3#

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

173-White mates in two SOLUTION

Solution: 1. Bb8! waiting
 1... e5 2. Rxd6#
 1... Ke5 2. Rxc5#

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

172-White mates in two SOLUTION.

Solution: 1. Se5! [2. Rd7, Sf7#]
 1... Bc6 2. Sf7#
 1... Bxd5 2. Rd7#

171-Mate in two SOLUTION.

Solution: 1. Sc6! [2. Re7, Sd4#]
 1... Qf8/e8/h4/f6 2. Sd4#
 1... Qd8/xe5 2. S(x)d8#
 1... Qh7/g7 2. Sd8/d4#
 In this problem, at least one mate in the set play is changed following the key. This maneuver is called MUTATE

Friday, September 27, 2013

170-Mate in two SOLUTION.

Solution: 1. Ka4! waiting
 1... Kc4 2. Be6#
A flight giving key..!

169-Mate in two SOLUTION.

Solution: 1. Bf7! threat [2. Sc4#]
 1... Rd4 2. cxd4#
 1... Rd3+ 2. Sxd3#

Monday, September 16, 2013

168-Mate in two problem Solution

Solution: 1. Bb3-g8! threat 2. Rh6-h7#
 1... Rf8xg8/f5+ 2. Sh4(x)f5#
 1... Rf8-f7 2. Qa2xf7#

Saturday, September 14, 2013

167-mate in two Solution.

Solution: 1. Bg6-d3! waiting
 1... Bf8 ad lib 2. Sc8(x)e7#
 1... Bf8xd6 2. c5xd6#
 1... Rb7-a7+/b8 2. Sc8(x)a7#
 1... Rb7-c7 2. Bd3xb5#
 1... Rb7-b6+ 2. c5xb6#

Thursday, September 12, 2013

166- SELFMATE in three SOLUTION.

Solution: 1. Ra1-c1! waiting
 1... c3-c2 2. Qh8-a1 waiting
    2... c4-c3 3. Rc1xe1 ... f2xe1=Q, f2xe1=R, f2xe1=B, f2xe1=S#

 White forces Black to give mate in 3 moves.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

165-Mate in Two Solution

Solution: 1. Bh2-c7! threat 2. Bc7xb6#
 1... Rd7xc7 [b]  2. Se1-d3 [A] #
 1... Rd7-d6 2. Bc7xd6#
 1... Sb1-c3+ 2. Qb3xc3#
 A decoy problem

Monday, August 26, 2013

164-Mate in Two SOLUTION

Solution: 1. Bb1-h7! waiting
 1... Kg4-h4/h5 2. Bh7-f5#

 a miniature.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

163-White mates in Two SOLUTION

Solution: 1. Bg1-a7! waiting
 1... Se7 ad lib 2. Bh1(x)d5#
 1... Sg4 ad lib 2. Sd1(x)e3#
 1... a3 ad lib 2. Sd1-b2#

Friday, August 23, 2013

162-Mate in two Solution.

Solution: 1. Qh4-e7! threat 2. Rf4xe4, Sb1-a3 [A] #
 1... Re8xe7 [a] , Bf8-g7, d7-d5 [b]  2. Sb1-a3 [A] #
 1... Bf8xe7 2. Rf4xe4#

Monday, August 19, 2013

161-White mates in two Solution.

Solution: 1. Ba8! waiting
 1... Sc8/g8/c6/g6/d5/f5 2. R(x)c6#
 1... Sa4/c4/d3/d1 2. S(x)d3#

Saturday, August 17, 2013

160-Mate in two Solution.

Solution: 1. Qe6! [threats 2. Rc6, Sb3#]
 1... Bxe6, Rb7 2. Rc6#
 1... Rc7/a7/xe6, Rfxe6 2. Sb3#

Friday, August 16, 2013

159-Mate in two Solution

Solution: 1. Qf7! [2. Sf5, Sb3 [A] #]
 1... Rxf7 [b] , Sd6 2. Sb3 [A] #
 1... Bxf7 2. Sf5#

 A sacrifice and  two interferences

Saturday, August 10, 2013

158-Mate in two Solution.

Solution: 1. Qh1! [2. Bxd5#]
 1... Rxa3+ 2. Sxa3#
 1... f3 2. Sxe3#
 Here we see my Ambush theme composition.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

157-Mate in two solution

Solution: 1. Qb3! [threat 2. Qc3, Qxd3#]
 1... Qg3 2. Qc3/c4#
 1... Qd5 2. Qc3#
 1... Qc4 2. Qxc4#
 1... Qxb3+ 2. Sxb3#

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

156-Mate in two solution

Solution: 1. Ba7-d4! threat 2. Qc2xc3#
 1... Rh6-h3 2. Sd8-c6#
 1... Sf2-e4/d1 2. Sc1-d3#

Monday, July 15, 2013

155-Mate in two solution.

Solution: 1. Qb1-g6! threat 2. Sa7-c6, Sa1-c2#
 1... Bh7xg6 2. Sa7-c6#
 1... Rh6xg6 2. Sa1-c2#

154-Mate in two solution.

Solution: 1. Bg1! waiting
 1... Sd7/h7/e6/g6 2. B(x)e6#
 1... Sd8/d6/xa5/c5+ 2. R(x)c5#
 1... b3 2. axb3#

Saturday, July 13, 2013

153-Mate in two solution.

Solution: 1. Qg6! [threats 2. Qe6#]
 1... Sxd6 2. Qxd6#
 1... Bf6, Re7 2. Q(x)f6#
 1... Bxg4 2. Sxg4#
 1... Bxg6 2. Sxg6#

Sunday, June 30, 2013

152-mate in two solution.

Solution: 1. Sa1-b3! threat 2. Sb3-a5#
 1... Sc8-b6+ 2. Sa8xb6#
 1... d5 ad lib 2. Bh7-g8#
 1... Sc1xb3 2. c2xb3#

Saturday, June 29, 2013

151-White mates in two solution.

Solution: 1. Sc4-d2! threat 2. Sd2-b3#
 1... Bc8-e6 2. Sg7xe6#
 1... c5-c4 2. Ra5-d5#
 1... e3 ad lib 2. Bh2-g1#

Friday, June 28, 2013

150-Mate in three solution.

Solution: 1. Kb2! [threats 2. Bc3#]
 1... Bd4+ 2. Bxd4
    2... Rc5 3. Bxc5#
    2... Rxd4 3. Rxd4#
 1... Re5 2. Bxe5
    2... Bd4+ 3. Rxd4#
 1... Re5 2. Rc3
    2... Bd4, Rxe4 3. Sd3#
    2... Bxf2, Rd5 3. Rc4#
 1... Rd4 2. Bxd4
    2... Bxd4+ 3. Rxd4#
    2... Bb6/a7/d6/e7/f8 3. Bc3#

Thursday, June 27, 2013

149-Mate in two Solution.

Solution: 1. Bb2-a1! waiting
 1... Sf8 ad lib 2. Bg4xe6#
 1... b6 ad lib 2. Sb3-a5#
 1... e3 ad lib 2. Sb3-d2#
 1... Sg3 ad lib 2. Bg4(x)e2#

Saturday, June 22, 2013

148-Mate in two solution.

Solution: 1. Bb1-g6! waiting
 1... Sc7 ad lib 2. Sa7(x)b5#
 1... d7 ad lib 2. Sa7-c6#
 1... Sg1 ad lib 2. Sh2(x)f3#

Monday, April 1, 2013

147-Mate in two SOLUTION.

Solution: 1. Qe1-d2! threat 2. Qd2-d5#
 1... Sf5-e7/d4 2. Sf1xe3#
 1... e3xd2+ 2. Sf1xd2#

Thursday, February 21, 2013

146-Mate in two solution

Solution: 1. Bg7xf6! waiting
 1... d7 ad lib 2. Qe7xe6#
 1... Qe6xe7 2. Bf6-d4#
 1... Qe6-e5 2. Qe7xe5#
 1... Qe6-e4 2. Qe7xe4#
 The aggressive key is justified by the self-pin theme

Thursday, February 14, 2013

145-Problem Solution.

Solution: 1. Kg5-h5! waiting
 1... h7xg6+ 2. Kh5xg6 waiting
    2... Kg3-h4 3. Bg1-f2#

Sunday, January 20, 2013

144-Solution mate in two.

Solution: 1. Ba8-e4! waiting
 1... Sa7 ad lib 2. Sd8(x)c6#
 1... f7 ad lib 2. Sd8-e6#
 1... Ba4 ad lib 2. Sc1xb3#
 1... Sg1 ad lib 2. Sc1(x)e2#

Saturday, January 12, 2013

142-Mate in two solution.

Solution: 1. Kb3-c3! threat 2. Qb1-b5#
 1... Re7-c7 2. Se8xc7#
 1... Re7-b7 2. Qb1xb7#
 1... Sf2-e4+ 2. Qb1xe4#
 1... Sf2-d3 2. Qb1xd3#
 1... Sf2-d1+ 2. Qb1xd1#