Thursday, September 2, 2010

87-Problem Solution.

Set Play:
1. ... Rd8 ad lib, Bc6-d5 2. Se1(x)d3#
1. ... Rd8-d5, Bc6 ad lib 2. Se1(x)g2#
1. ... Bc6-d7 2. Se1-d3/g2#

Solution: 1. Ra1-a5! threat 2. Bf6-g5#
1. ... Rd8-g8, Bc6-d5 2. Se1-d3#
1. ... Rd8-d5, Bc6-b5 2. Se1-g2#

This is the Grimshaw theme, in which the interference of the black pieces in the same square, (usually a Bishop and a Rook, doesn't require a white sacrifice.